Bracketing Test

f: 5.6 ss: 1/80 ISO: 125 (auto)
f: 5.6 ss:1/80 ISO: 200
f: 5.6 ss: 1/80 ISO: 100
f:56.3 ss: 1/80 ISO: 125
f: 7.1 ss:1/80 ISO: 125
f: 5.6 ss: 1/60 ISO: 125
f: 5.6 ss: 1/100 ISO: 125

Bracketing: the general technique of taking several shots of the same subject using different camera settings.

For this assignment, I had to take pictures of the same subject while changing one setting at a time to see the effect it had on the lighting of the scene. It is clear through this assignment that ISO has the largest effect on lighting out of all of the settings, and this project also showed me that sometimes auto doesn’t do the best job of getting the proper lighting.

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